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A simultaneous numerator, denominator effect may leave some LPs significantly overallocated at a time when their GPs are asking for re-ups.
More and more PE managers are launching continuation funds to hold onto assets longer. How can you make sure your continuation fund is a success for both you and your investors?
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Declining multiples spell trouble for deals done in recent years, when valuations were at historic highs, said ex-Ardian secondaries head Vincent Gombault.
GP led secondaries
Consistent market activity and deep domain expertise can help overcome the challenges associated with integrating continuation vehicles into a broader secondaries portfolio, says Partners Group’s Anthony Shontz.
By making GP clawbacks gross of taxes, the new rules could lead to the resurgence of the archaic original American waterfall.
Man examines contract with magnifying glass
A robust process is vital to any GP-led transaction, say Proskauer’s Howard Beber and Warren Allan in this sponsored Q&A.
NAV finance has expanded substantially in the last few years, says 17Capital’s Augustin Duhamel in this sponsored Q&A.
regulation Securities and Exchange Commission SEC GPs
The proposals include the requirement to obtain a fairness opinion on the prices of secondaries transactions.

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