One of the main drivers behind the purchase was portfolio company Charming Charlie.
With the promotion of Katie Stitch and Blake Heston, the New York-based direct secondaries firm now has seven managing directors.
The appointment of Michael McKell in a newly-created position comes at a time when buyers are increasingly interested in real estate secondaries.
The Madrid-based firm has targeted Spanish-only investors for its latest secondaries vehicle, which is almost half invested.
The investment management and advisory firm will help around 500 Swiss pension funds to invest in infrastructure secondaries.
The Richmond, Virginia-based alternative investments firm expanded into secondaries nearly three years ago.
The London-based firm has hired Lama Al-Masri to focus on deal origination and investor relations.
Sally Gibson, who has been with the firm since 2008, will focus on advising sponsors of private investment funds, including secondaries funds.
The firm's London office increases its secondaries advisory capacity with the hire of Mateja Maher.
The Toronto-based fund manager's debut secondaries fund has invested in North American buyout and venture capital funds.

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