The French fund of funds has picked up a portfolio of tail-end buyout stakes from the PE unit of a group of privately held global companies.
The bank’s private equity fund interests were valued at $5.4bn, a 14% drop from the end of 2014.
Singapore-based Axiom has collected over $400m for its latest fund of funds with this latest re-up from Montana's state investment board.
Isomer Capital I is seeking €150m to target European technology investments including LP secondaries and directs.
Volatility in public markets and macroeconomic uncertainty are making secondaries participants more cautious, which affects pricing.
The fund of funds manager has ceased formal fundraising for the vehicle and is expecting to hold a final close in March.
The world's largest educator-only pension fund made its first investment to Ardian funds with a commitment to the FoF's latest secondaries vehicle.
Dealflow in real estate secondaries jumped 71% last year and market participants say another rise this year will be dependent of a couple of things.
The global fund of funds is looking for a VP and an associate to join its secondaries team and help deploy over $3bn in new secondaries deals.
The largest US pension system has launched its effort to replace current chief executive Anne Stausboll, offering a six-figure salary and a sizeable yearly bonus.

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