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The committee approved the act – which would roll back regulatory oversight of private equity – by 30 votes to 26.
The bill imposes more requirements on California-based public pensions to disclose private equity fees and was passed into law at the end of August.
The New York-based investment bank has to meet Volcker Rule standards, which requires banks reduce their private investment interests to 3% of their tier 1 capital by the new July 2017 deadline.
The global law firm, which advises on secondaries, has hired Robert Rice as a partner in its litigation and dispute resolution group.
Advisory firms that provide investment management services to EU clients, such as secondaries managers, must still comply with the directive, the UK's financial regulator says.
Previously an associate regional director at the SEC, Catherine Dabney O’Riordan will focus on investigating misconduct by private funds, investment advisors and investment firms.
With Hugh Dunkerley, who bought Fondinvest last year, facing charges of alleged securities fraud, questions hang over the future of the Paris-based fund of funds.
The legislation has been drafted in an effort to reduce SEC oversight of the private equity industry.
The US Securities and Exchange Commission’s Igor Rozenblit called out the complexity of the fund restructuring industry for allowing Andrew Caspersen’s alleged fraud.
Private equity fund managers in the UK should consider what an exit vote could mean for marketing and fundraising in Europe.

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