
Find out who’s buying, who’s selling and what is being sold. Get detailed information on the structures involved in secondaries deals, including LP portfolio sales, GP-led processes, spin-outs, restructurings and stapled deals.

HQ Capital: Asia at exit ‘inflection point’

A lack of exit opportunities is a thing of the past, according to managing director Tim Brody, whose firm has placed a big bet on Asia with its latest secondaries funds.

Landmark increases investment in Clearlake

Landmark had used a preferred equity structure to finance a deal last year involving Reservoir Capital Partners.

CalSTRS CIO: ‘We’re constantly looking at secondaries’

The lack of liquidity has made the market tricky to negotiate so far, according to Chris Ailman.

Glendower leads $530m US GP-led

The Deutsche Bank spin-out has led a consortium that backed a deal involving moving six of Argonne Capital's assets, including three IHOP franchises, into a continuation vehicle.

Aussie superfund shopping private equity portfolio – exclusive

Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation is working with advisor Greenhill on the sale, Secondaries Investor has learned.

LGT’s latest secondaries fund in five charts

IT, growth capital and emerging markets are some of themes to have emerged so far in the investment period of LGT's latest secondaries fund.

Are European VC secondaries just for specialists?

An improving European VC market and broadening buyer mandates have tempted secondaries buyers, but experts urge caution before diving in.

Goldman backs DH Private Equity restructuring – exclusive

This is the second GP-led process carried out on Doughty Hanson IV, the first of which HarbourVest Partners backed in 2015.

Campbell Lutyens, Greenhill, Evercore make LACERA shortlist

A 'very aggressive fee proposal' helped put Campbell Lutyens in the final race for LACERA's $1bn-plus portfolio sale.

Greenhill: secondaries advisory drove ‘best first quarter’ earnings

The investment bank's secondaries advisory unit advised institutional investors on 40 closings of sales of limited partnership interests during the period.

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