image of full year 2022 cover
Our downloadable presentation shows closed secondaries funds in 2022 by region and strategy, as well as the largest funds in market.
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The alternatives giant has committed more than $1bn into equity and credit secondaries over the past half year, according to co-president Jim Zelter.
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The placement agent has hired former managing director Nick Hatch to advise on LP-led and GP-led opportunities.
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Most fund sponsors invested additional capital on top of carry rollover in such processes last year, according to the investment bank's debut Secondary Market Survey Report.
As the bank brings its latest GP-led fundraise to a close on $2.5bn, Nash Waterman, head of private equity secondaries, says the opportunities it sees in the sprawling mid-market are ‘enormous’.
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Glendower Secondary Opportunities Fund V had an initial hard-cap of $4.5bn – a figure that is understood to have been increased.
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The $10bn system set a 5% target for its new private equity portfolio, with 75% of that intended for secondaries.
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Tender offers plus staples remain challenging because if the price isn't right, limited partners can simply choose not to sell.
Reduced exit activity in the buyout market, coupled with the denominator effect, is creating opportunities for buyers, Shane Feeney, managing director and global head of secondaries, tells Secondaries Investor.
image of different currencies, focusing on USD and yuan
The asset manager will pursue yuan-denominated LP-led and GP-led transactions from a discretionary pool of client capital, according to Asia co-head Mingchen Xia.

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